After registrations, the 32 registered teams will participate in the open qualifiers (4 qualifiers in total, 32 teams/Q).
Out of these teams, the top 16 teams (Top 4 in each qualifier) will proceed to the next round called “League” Stage (4 groups)…


There are no active tournaments for selected games.
you are interested to participate ?
1.1. Player Age
No Player shall be considered eligible to participate in any MPL Tournament Match before having lived 12 full years or before reaching the eligibility age to play in a League of Legends Tournament in their residency country whichever is highest.
1.2. Residency
Each player must be a legal resident who is currently living in one of the regions listed below:
GCC & Iraq: KSA, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Iraq
Levant & Egypt: Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt
North Africa: Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya
1.3. Parental Consent
Players who are minor in their country of residence are required to provide parental consent to be eligible to Play in the MPLTournament.
2.2.2. A Team’s Roster can have a maximum of eight players and a minimum of six players.
2.2.3. The main lineup of any given team must include at least three players who are residents of the region under which the team is registered.
For example, if a team is registered under GCC and Iraq, it must include at least three main players who are currently living in the GCC and Iraq, regardless of nationality. Furthermore, a team may include a maximum of two players who are not residents in a given sub-region, provided they are living in one of the 15 eligible countries; for example, a GCC team may include two team members who are currently living in Egypt.
2.2.4. In the case of extenuating circumstances, such as temporary visa issues, a competitive suspension or a medical emergency the roster requirements may be waived temporarily. Grant of this waiver is at the sole discretion of the Tournament Organizer.
2.2.5. The proposed team name entered upon registration may be in English or Arabic; however, it may not be offensive, racist or sexual in nature. If found to be in violation of this rule, the team will be disqualified.
2.2.6 Teams are required to play only with the team members they have registered with. Please note that at this stage all rosters are locked and no further changes can be made. It is also important to note that accounts may not be shared between team members or outside parties.
2.2.7. It is possible to switch substitute players as the team sees fit, as long as it is not in the middle of a given match (however substitutes are allowed in a series).
2.2.8. No changes may be made to any kind of information in your registration application. Any attempt to modify such information will automatically disqualify your team from the tournament.
3.1 Game Settings
Map: Summoner’s Rift
Game Type: Tournament Draft
3.3 Starting a Match
All teams are expected to be present and confirm their attendance 30 minutes before the start of the match.
Matches should start within a maximum of 15 minutes from their official scheduled time. In case of any further delays by either team, the admin shall be entitled to declare the match a forfeit and award the win to the ready team.
Side Selection Teams playing on the blue or red side will be determined based on their position in the bracket formation on Toornament. Accordingly, the team on the left will be on the blue side, and the team on the right will be on the red side. Alternatively, the team in the upper part of the bracket will be on the blue side, while the team in the lower part will be on the red side.
For the Home and Away matches – after the home matches (Stage 1), the teams that played on blue side will play on red side and the teams that played on the red side will play on the blue side versus the same teams (Side Selection Swap in Stage 2).
Coaches and substitute players of each team may spectate the games their teams are playing. Wrong picks or place holders are not allowed, i.e. if you accidentally pick a champion you don’t wish to play with, you are not allowed to quit the Champion Select in order to select a different champion. Once locked in, champions cannot be changed.
In the event of a bug in Champion Select, where a player is unable to pick their champion or could not see or lock in their champion of choice, they must provide the admins on Discord with valid proof (Screenshot) in order to restart the Champion Select.
3.4 Recording Matches
The broadcast schedules will be determined by the Tournament Organizer and announced to the teams. Players are allowed to stream their matches as long as they are not featured games by the Tournament Organizer.
3.5 Schedule Change
Game dates are subject to change if the situation and timetable allows it.
Any team with a problem regarding the date change will need to provide a valid and reasonable excuse to demand a date change.
3.6 Breach of Rules
Foul language, offensive and disruptive behavior, and disregard to the pause allowance rules will not be tolerated from any player and will result in the following at a minimum:
First Act that the team captain has to acknowledge
Second Act will lead to forfeiting the game
Third Act will lead to disqualification from the tournament
3.7 Disconnect/connection issues
If a Bugsplat, disconnect, or any other failure occurs which interrupts the loading process and prevents a player from joining a game upon game start, the game must be immediately paused until all ten players are connected to the game.
If a player disconnects at a later stage of the game and couldn’t reconnect, his team can pause but not to exceed the pause-allowance, once the pause allowance has been exceeded the match must go on, and in case of refusing the team will lose that game.
Pause Allowance
Best of 1: Each team is allowed 15 minutes pause time.
Best of 3: Each team is allowed a maximum of 10 minutes pause time per game and 20 minutes during the course of a full series.
Best of 5: Each team is allowed a maximum of 10 minutes pause time per game and 30 minutes during the course of a full series.
Pausing beyond allowance-time will be considered unfair play and match must be unpaused. If a team disregards the pause allowance rules, contact an admin immediately via our channels on discord.
No 4v5 Play: Teams are required to field a full Team of five Players to start a match. If a Player disconnects during a Game, a Team may continue playing after the pause-allowance is exhausted to attempt to complete the Game.
3.8 Game Admin
In case of any dispute regarding any issue, the final decision will be made by the admin.
The Game Admin has the power to refute any rule depending on the situation at hand.