MPL S8 KOFXV Ruleset


1- Platforms:

A. Phase one and two will be played online on PC/Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series (cross platform), the TOP 8 Finals will be played offline.

B. Players should be using their own individual system and account for the duration of the Tournament. Any Players identified to be sharing a system or accounts are subject to sanctions.

2- Registration:

A. Registration for phase one of the MPL Season 8 The King of Fighters XV (Phase one Tournaments) can be done in ESNA (

B. Registration is limited to 64 entrants per Tournament.

C. Registration is Free.

D. Registration closes at 17h GMT+1 of the tournament day.

E. Check in and Tournament is happening in MPL discord (Check in starts at 18h30 GMT+1) of the tournament day.

F. Tournament starts at 19h30 GMT+1.

3- Connectivity:

A. All Phase one and two matches will be played online using the in-game online lobby system.

B. Players MUST play on a wired connection. wireless connection is forbidden.

C. Players with unstable connection can be subject to forfeiture in further matches.

D. Players' connection can be tested by the MPL admins anytime during the event.

4- Matchmaking:

A. Matchmaking will be managed on discord.

B. Each player must check in before the tournament begins.

C. The tournament does not start until the admins say so.

D. Players must contact each other to play their matches after the bracket is finalized.

E. After every match played, the winner must report the score on Discord.

F. Once the match starts, only the loser of the Match is allowed to change their characters.

G. Any Player who wasn't present and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of this call time are subject to Match Set forfeiture.

I. If we find out you are playing in another bracket, and it ends up holding up our bracket, you will be disqualified.

J. By Pressing pause, disconnecting or even stop playing in the middle of the match, your opponent has the right to demand a win round/match or restart the match/situation.

5- Games settings

A. Match Settings: Team 3v3

B. Time Limit: 60 seconds

C. Stage: Random.

D. Characters order is allowed after every match for both players.

E. Only the player who lost the match can change characters

6- League format:

A. Phase 1: Ranking Qualifiers:

4 Double elimination tournaments (64 slots), Best-of-3 (FT2) matches, Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals Best-of-5 (FT3), Silver Tournament, Gold Tournament, Platinum Tournament and Diamond Tournament, every tournament has more points than the previous one,

All matches OFFSTREAM until TOP 6 who will be playing ON STREAM the next day

Only the TOP 8 best ranked players in the Leaderboard will be qualified to the Offline Finals.

Tournament bracket Tournament bracket


(Top 8 qualified from Phase one) will play a double elimination bracket to crown THE MPL SEASON 8 THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV CHAMPION.

7- Game:

The Latest Version of THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV (New DLCs are allowed one week after the release).

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