Created by ESNA
Started on
8 out of 8
Participants -
Double Elimination
Tournament type -
Location -
Cross platform
Tournament details
Users -
Game format
Best of 5 -
Tournament frequency
1- General :
A. The MPL (MOROCCAN PRO LEAGUE) administration has the right to modify or delete any rule at any time and participants will be notified on discord, MPL also has the right to decide outside or even against the rules in special cases to guarantee fairplay.
B. By participating, players are agreeing to the rules of the MPL.
2- Code of Conduct :
A. Every participant has to behave with respect towards the representatives of the MPL, admins, players, viewers, partners. This applies to behavior in-game and also in chats, streams, discord and social media. We expect players to conduct themselves according to the following values: Compassion, Integrity and Respect, participants must not engage in harassment, hate speech, insults and offensive behaviour in any form. violation of the code of conduct results in a sanctions and in the case of repeated or extreme violations, penalties may include disqualification or banning from the current/future MPL events.
B. Any player who receives multiple complaints against them will be removed from the MPL.
3- Cheating :
All forms of cheating in MPL are forbidden and will be penalized by the MPL administration.
4- Game :
The Latest Version of STREET FIGHTER 6 (New DLCs are allowed one week after the release).
5- League general format :
A. Phase one : Qualifiers (4 Double elimination tournaments (64 slots), one each week, 4 players will be qualified for the next phase each week)
B. Phase two : Groupe Stage (The 16 players qualified from Phase one) will form 4 groups of 4 players, format round robin, the top 2 of each group will be qualified for the Finals.
C. Phase three : Finals (Top 8 qualified from Phase two) will play a double elimination bracket to crown THE MPL S6 STREET FIGHTER CHAMPION.
6- Platforms :
A. Phase one and two will be played online in PC/Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series (cross platform), the Finals will be played offline.
B. Players should be using their own individual system and account for the duration of the Tournament. Any Players identified to be sharing a system or accounts are subject to sanctions.
7- Registration :
A. Registration for phase one of the MPL S6 SF6 (Qualifiers) can be done in ESNA (esna.gg/mpl6).
B. Registration is limited to 64 entrants per Qualifier.
C. Registration is Free.
D. Registration closes at 18h GMT+1 of the tournament day.
E. Check in and Tournament is happening in MPL discord (Check in starts at 19h GMT+1) of the tournament day.
F. Tournament starts at 20h GMT+1.
8- Eligibility :
Only Moroccans players are allowed to participate in MPL.
9- Connectivity :
A. All Phase one and two matches will be played online using the in-game online lobby system.
B. Players MUST play on a wired connection. wireless connection is forbidden.
C. Players with unstable connection can be subject to forfeiture in further matches.
D. Players connection can be tested by the MPL admins anytime during the event.
10- Matchmaking :
A. Matchmaking will be managed on discord.
B. Each player must check in before the tournament begins.
C. The tournament does not start until the admins say so.
D. Players must contact each other to play their matches after the bracket is finalized.
E. After every match played, the winner must report the score on Discord.
F. Once the match starts, only the loser of the Match is allowed to change their character.
G. Rounds: 2 out of 3, Time Limit: 99 seconds, Control Type: Modern or Classic.
H. Any Player who wasn’t present and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of this call time are subject to Match Set forfeiture.
I. If we find out you are playing in another bracket, and it ends up holding up our bracket, you will be disqualified.
J. By Pressing pause, disconnecting or even stop playing in the middle of the match, your opponent has the right to demand a win round/match or restart the match/situation.
K. Players who play on Stream must declare their first character to the staff.
11- Phases format and Match Sets :
A. Qualifiers : Double elimination bracket, Best-of-Three (FT2) matches, TOP4 will be (FT3), TOP 4 players will be qualified for the Groupe Stage phase.
B. Any Player who wasn’t present and ready to play his TOP4 matches on stream of the Qualifiers will be replaced by the player who follows him in qualifying position.
C. Groupe Stage : 4 groupes of 4 players (A,B,C,D), FT5 Round Robin Format, TOP 2 of each groupe will be qualified to the Finals.
D. Finals : The TOP 8 Players of the MPL will play a Double Elimination bracket, FT3 Matches (Offline)
12- Dispute :
A. In case of any dispute, The MPL administration’s decision is final. No further disputes will be entertained.
B. In case dispute, MPL admins can request recorded screenshots/videos as proof.
13- Disclaimer :
- MPL will not cover any travel costs to attend the offline Finals.