To be eligible to compete in the League, each Player must satisfy all of the following:
- 2.1. Player Age
- 2.1.1. No player shall be considered eligible to participate in any MPL Competition before their 16th birthday, defined as having lived 16 full years.
- 2.1.2. If a player is 16 years of age or older but under the age of majority in their country of residence before the start of the Official Competition, they may still compete in the Official Competition if (a) they meet the other eligibility criteria in these MPL Rules and the Global Policy,and (b) a parent or legal guardian accepts these MPL Rules and the Global Policy on behalf of the player, and consents to the player’s participation in the Official Competition using a parental consent form provided by the Tournament Operator.
- 2.2. Residency & Representation
- 2.2.1. A Player can be an EMEA Resident and an LTR simultaneously.
- Teams will be required to have a minimum of three (3) Locally-Trained Representative (LTR) and three (3) EMEA Residents on their starting roster at all times during any Official MPL Competition. In addition, a team must have at least four (3) MENA Residents on their full roster.
- 2.2.2. LTRs are defined as players who have fulfilled one or more of the following criteria:
- 1. The player has legally resided and been primarily present in the countries defined in the two sub-regions in section 1, for no less than 36 out of the last 60 months immediately prior to their participation in the first game of the applicable competition.
- 2. The player has legally resided and been primarily present in the countries defined in the two sub-regions in section 1, for at least 36 months after their 13th birthday, defined as having lived 13 full years.
- 2.2.4. A player will not be considered a representative until they have declared themselves as an LTR to the respective MPL.
- 2.2.5. Players are not required to claim LTR status and may choose to remain a Non-Representative despite being eligible.
- 2.2.6. Residents are defined as players that, at the time of registration to the MPL, are either:
- 1. A lawful permanent resident of a jurisdiction in the MENA region for at least six (6) months.
- 2. A citizen or national of a country in the MENA region.
- 2.2.7. A player may only be a Resident of a single Region at any point in time, regardless of whether that player has lawful resident status in multiple Regions. Any player who relocates to a new region, will remain a resident of their prior region until the one-year anniversary of their relocation.
- 2.2.8. Players may prove Residency and LTR eligibility by submitting documentary evidence of eligibility. There are two general categories of evidence: government-issued documentation (e.g. National IDs, government benefits records, military/draft registration papers) and private documentation (e.g., school records, deeds, leases, homeowner association documents, utility bills, bank records/statements, tax returns, insurance documents, medical records & employment records).
- 2.2.9. Minors may also have a parent or guardian prove Residency or LTR status on their behalf by first, providing documentary evidence of the parent- /guardian-child relationship (e.g., a birth certificate) and second, submitting documentary evidence belonging to the parent/guardian, as outlined above.
- 2.3. If a player plays an official game at VRL representing a certain team, can’t represent a different team at the MPL.
- 2.3. Work Eligibility
Each Player must submit proof, prior to being added to a Team’s MPL Roster, that they will be work-eligible in their respective jurisdiction and/or MPL host country/countries.
- 2.4. Player & Team Eligibility
- 2.4.1. All Players may only compete in one MPL at a time.
One player should have only one account, any change of in-game ID should be announced to the admins.
Players are not allowed to share their accounts, otherwise the team will be disqualified
- 3.1. Starters & Substitutes
- 3.1.1. Each Team must maintain, at all times during any Official Competition, five players in the Team’s starting lineup (“Starters”). A Team has the option of adding three additional players to act as substitutes (“Substitutes”).
Note: Tournament Officials have the right to disqualify any Team with an incomplete roster.
- 3.2. Minimum Roster Requirements
- 3.2.1. All Starters, and any Substitute who replaces a Starter, must be eligible to participate in MPL competition. Teams must comply with the minimum roster requirement at all times during the MPL competition. If at any point a Team’s roster falls below five players, that Team may be disqualified or otherwise sanctioned, unless given permission to drop below the minimum roster by the MPL Officials, at their sole discretion.
- 3.2.2. If a Team earns the right to progress to another stage of the MPL competition. the right is contingent on the Team retaining a minimum of three players that were on their Roster and played at least one official MPL match during the qualification process.
- 3.3. Multiple Teams
- 3.3.1. A Team Member will not be allowed to compete for more than one Team simultaneously and cannot be listed on the Roster of more than one Team.
- 3.3.2. A Team Member cannot have a contractual or financial arrangement with another Team unless explicitly allowed by the League in writing.
- 3.4. Submission of the Roster & Team Registration
- 3.4.1. Before the start of the MPL competition, each Team must register its roster (including all Starters, any substitutes and coaches) using the tools and forms provided by ESNA or the MPL Officials. Except as set forth in Section 3.4.2, no changes to a Team’s roster will be permitted after a Team’s registration has been processed without the prior approval of the MPL Officials (including for changes due to sickness, visa issues, etc.)
- 3.5. Roster Changes
- 3.5.1. A Team may complete trades involving players on other Teams, sign new players or free agents or otherwise change the players on its roster during any time outside of the Roster Lock Periods, using the tools and forms provided by ESNA or the MPL Officials.
- 3.5.3. In the case of extenuating circumstances, such as temporary visa issues, a competitive suspension or a medical emergency the roster requirements may be waived temporarily. Grant of this waiver is at the sole discretion of the League.
- 3.5.4. Any Team Member who is dropped from a Team’s Roster may not rejoin that Team’s Roster until a minimum of three weeks have elapsed after the effective date of the Team Member’s prior removal from the Team’s Roster.
- 3.6. Substitutions
- 3.6.1. Any substitution must result in the Team having an eligible Roster or Starting Roster.
- 3.6.2. For Matches involving more than one Map (i.e., a best-of-three or best-of-five Match), a Team may replace their then-current Starters with Substitutes in between Maps, provided that the Team informs the opposing Team and receives approval from the Referees of such substitution no later than five minutes after the conclusion of the previous game.
- 3.6.3. In the event that a Player disconnects during a map and is unable to return within the allocated pause time, the Team will be permitted to replace them with a Substitute from their Roster. The lobby will need to be remade, and the game manually reverted to the previous game state.
- 3.6.4. In the event of an emergency at any point during a Match, a Team will be given up to ten minutes to produce an eligible Substitute on-site. If a replacement cannot be found then the Team will forfeit. MPL Officials will determine if an incident qualifies as an emergency. Any substitute must be an eligible member of the Team roster.
- 3.6.5. For any offline stages (if applicable), teams must have at least one designated substitute present at all times.
- 3.7. Coaches
- 3.7.1. Teams may have one coach. If a Team has a coach, then that coach may be present for every Match in which the Team participates. For live, in-person tournaments held as part of the MPL (“LAN Events”), at least one of a Team’s designated coaches may be on site throughout each such Match. Coaches may be connected to the voice communication system in the lobby and will only be allowed to talk to players and others during the Agent and Map selection process for each Match, timeouts, half-times and in between Maps (if applicable). Coaches are only permitted to be in the Match Area during Agent and Map selection and in between Maps.
- 3.7.2. In the event of an emergency, the Team can designate an interim coach. Whether or not an event qualifies as an emergency is determined at the sole discretion of the League Officials. The interim coach can be a Team Manager.